Immunity: our top tips for a strong immune system
Health & Wellbeing

Immunity: Our top tips for a strong immune system

2 minutes to read

This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please reach out to a qualified medical professional before engaging in any physical activity, or making any changes to your diet, medication or lifestyle.

Immunity, it’s the trending topic that everyone is talking about at the moment. We all want a strong immune system and we all want to be healthy. But what really is an immune system and how can we keep it strong? Read on and hopefully we can help you out.

What is an immune system?

To put it simply, your immune system is made up of organs, cells and chemicals. Parts of your immune system include; white blood cells, lymphatic system, bone marrow, antibodies, spleen and more all working actively help your body fight off infections

The cool thing about our immune system is that, unlike your great uncle Earl, it has a pretty good memory. Because of this, when a germ we’ve already fought off comes back, more often than not our body knows exactly how to get rid of it before it makes us feel unwell

There are some cases, however, where this may not be the case and your body needs to fight something off more than once. This includes the flu and common cold. Why? Well, the common cold and flu have many different strains of the same type of virus which means unfortunately, that fighting one, doesn’t guard you against them all. 

So how do you keep your immune system strong?

The best way to keep your immune system strong is with immunisations as they are the most effective preventative measure against serious diseases. Some vaccines offer lifelong immunity whilst in other cases booster shots may be needed

Other important ways of supporting our immune system consist of a healthy diet as well as regular exercise. 


Similar to our bodies needing the right foods to perform at our best throughout the day, we can also support our immune health by providing it with the right micronutrients

Here’s a few micronutrients that you can incorporate into your diet to help maintain a healthy immune system. 

  • Vitamin C - Also known as ascorbic acid, Vitamin C can be found in many fruits and vegetables such as oranges, blackcurrants, berries, broccoli and more

  • Zinc - Commonly found in foods such as meat, shellfish, legumes, seeds, nuts and dairy, Zinc is beneficial for metabolising nutrients and supporting a healthy immune system

  • B Vitamins - B vitamins are made up of eight different vitamins – creating B complex. These B vitamins can be found in foods such as salmon, leafy greens, milk and eggs

  • Magnesium - Magnesium is important for a whole lot, including your muscle health, nerves and bones. In addition to this it’s also great for supporting a healthy immune system. Magnesium can be found in foods such as legumes, whole wheats and seeds

If you’re struggling to get these vitamins and minerals into your diet naturally, VÖOST offer all of them in their effervescent range to help support your nutrition / dietary balance.* 

*when dietary intake is inadequate